Albino Blacksheep » Help » Bugs
Bugs and incompatibilities are to be listed on this page.
Unintended clearing in Opera.
The first line in every paragraph is cleared on the right side due to the date on the right side. The date that floats on the right seems to add an extra return character below it, causing the following paragraph line to clear.
Not sure of a solution, except perhaps the no-break space could be removed from the date.
Bug persists March 28, 2005.
Line Height Error in Safari.
The thumbnail images displayed diagonally instead of cleared from each other to display veritcally. The three lines of text to the right side of the thumbnails had a very short height, causing the error.
The height of the header bars were also affected, showing up thinner than intended.
It seems the shorthand line-height:
CSS in font:
was not recognised by Safari.
A seperate line indicating line-height:
had to be used throughout the CSS file.
Bug fixed February 5, 2005.
Referrer page not forwarded.
People using the third party "Email" link sometimes were unable to send the correct page, and sent either a link to the main page or sent the sending page itself.
The JavaScript code was placed outside of the unordered list, and the /r
part of the URL was removed.
Fixed on some pages of the site February 5, 2005. More testing to be done.
Server Crashes.
Server crashes for no known reason during high traffic hours.
KeepAlive connections were disabled.
No major problems since February 4, 2005. More testing to be done.
Non-animated GIF background in Mozilla.
Hovering over the W3C Status should turn the link background yellow, and animate a checkmark once on each hover. The animation of the checkmark only occurs once on the page even with multiple hovers.
Mozilla is just set differently in the way it treats the image. I may have to recreate the image, and set it to loop repeatedly instead. This, however, would be a change in the desired effect.
Not implemented.
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