Year in Review Part 1 (a little late).
Sure, you will see some re-runs here, but this is more than an excuse to post old files. I am updating you on what is new as well. I'll conclude with January 2004 and begin with February instead because I'm crazy like that.
Let's start with DubDub:
Members wouldn't stop asking for the song name, so I had to add it to the FAQ section. Something else they asked about was the technology to achieve the effect. It's nothing new. In 2001 ABS Visitors experienced the screen shake with a small JavaScript code:
Where else did we see "self.moveBy" used by a flash movie this year?:
Other notables for the month included my anti-Automation artile (not really, nobody cared), and an Internet oriented Toyota commerical.
- Automation: A Way of the Past AB (Sners)
- Toyota Tacoma: Girlfriend The Ad Age Group
And that brings us to March. (Is that a line from Pistachio Pudding?) Here we see two types of Animutation files. One as complicated as possible with Japanese music you cannot even make out, and the other is minimalistic with music supposedly in English.
Haven't heard much from snicker since that flash, but Dwedit comes to ABS Forums every now and then to post ever possible version of the Miko Miko Nurse song or video in existence. I picture him and anyone else that likes this song in a straight-jacket continuously mumbling that song.
The rest of that month's notables all seem to be animal themed, sorta. Let's start with Ddautta (which has a place in the FAQ section), a story about interspecies romance.
- Anabuki CM Anabuki
The animal with the big testiclats is a cultural symbol in Japan, so it is not so shocking to know that it's seen on a television commerical.
Let is not forget, for as long as we live:
I converted this into flash for Steve, but I think I may want to redo it so it aligns better. Kitty Cat Dance is a little too popular. The consequence to popularity is parody, but before I go on, take a look at an ode to another animal:
For now we may experience the beauty of parody:
This is terrible. I only completed two months before getting lazy again. Back to this tomorrow, I guess.