Why bother?
All of the following require Flash Player 7. Not lower. If you want to know what version you have please visit the Flash Section.
All of the following require Flash Player 7. Not lower. If you want to know what version you have please visit the Flash Section.
Our veteran member Andrew Kepple started a second scrolling image now with IMHOSTFU. Here's the first: Vertical Scroll.
Gary Brolsma has made the news for his lip syncing and dance to "Dragostea din Tei". Yes, it's just that easy to become famous on the Internet just like the Star Wars Kid. There are other dancers and lip syncers who have not become as famous. Using simple logic, the main variable to Internet fame is weight.
The reason that I wanted to January to be my last month in the Year in Review is that I wanted to show you a new Exit Mundi theory. I also wanted to discuss John Titor's predictions, but I don't think this is the audience for that.
Here are some classic animations perfect for this Valentine's day:
I couldn't think of a better present than to make a brand new one myself this year, although it is rushed:
Some other websites are in the Valentine's Day spirit:
Even though I have been updating the site everyday does not mean it is updated everyday. In other words, don't get too comfortable. Now here are four sequels (sorta) and their originals:
When Danny was brainstorming for Stick Avalanche 2 in ABS Chat, we were debating between keyboard or mouse controls. Danny ended up letting the user have a choice between the two in the game. That's dedication.
Now in July 2004:
I had to assure everyone who emailed that is not torture, but instead this is the proper way to hold a Hamster. I had many when I was younger.
Face dance was a small viral that got some people wondering how it's made. Stop frame, by the way. Li'L Johnny's Aquarium Adventure was mentioned as the top file of the year in Yahoo! UK. I'd like to say I saw it coming way back when I was beta testing the scores for Mike's game.
July wasn't so great. In August 2004 however...
MetZ has many imitators now as you may have seen, but he is the original.
Some more Group X came out this month, but why not look at a larger collection?:
I think I forgot to mention JibJab. They made fun of both John F. Kerry and George W. Bush in a musical parody entitled, "This Land". They came back a few months later for a followup before the election, and currently have a new flash dedicated to George W. Bush's second term over here at Yahoo!. One of the JibJab authors claims he knows what ABS means, but I'm not so sure he does.
More politics anyone?:
Nobody liked my Ralph Nader flash that I animated with UncleTom.
September 2004:
One of my favourite games:
Drewmo also joined our animating team at ABS. He created such greats as Penguin Calls, Tiny Plaid Ninjas and Comfort Eagle. Oh, and Shot!. He will have a second part for at least one of these soon.
I'd also like to mention The Llama Song made by our great member Burton Earny has a parody that even he may not know about:
Fluid, the authors of The End of the World, have gone onto work with Nike making flash over here.
You can summarize the end of the year yourself:
I interrupt Year in Review to bring you something I just couldn't wait to post (even though I have been advised never to update on Thursday):
Happy Ground Hog Day. We have approached April 2004 in our Year in Review, the month when finding hidden messages from playing records backwards has been made easier with computer software rather than a record needle.
Windows Noises was another trick you can do with sound players on the PC, and Pie Hole was posted for the first time:
The "It Must be Love" Honda commercial was airing on TV, and a Web version was even produced. ABS Members were quick to parody it with the "Anti-Honda Don't Drink and Drive" flash, and the new "It Must Be Bush".
No need to parody the following commercial though. It was just perfect.
Bunnies in 30 Seconds began around this time. Their author, Jennifer Shiman, has been submitting to ABS since 2002.
Around this time we were blessed with the burst in popularity of YTMND (You're The Man Now Dog) named after the first one at yourethemannowdog.com. These are similar to Loops made in Flash, but were created with Text Filters, embedded WAV files and a looped background image. YTMND gave birth to the Flash Loops, often refered to as Floops, not to be confused with the audio program Fruity Loops.
May 2004 was all about Kenya. Not just Kenya. Lions and tigers only in Kenya. Lots of Norway bashing too, but Kill the Badgers Productions from Norway fought back with their own flash.
In June 2004 I redesigned ABS again. Please look in the archives if you want to read more details about the redesign.
The second best Beatles Flash, Come Together, came out during this time too. It is made by Melon, not by the Beatles because the Beatles are dead, nu? RIP John, George, Paul (or so the conspiracies say) and Apu.
The ABS Skinner and Popup blocker Toolbar came out in June, but it's only for Internet Explorer, so that's not so good for everyone.
Here are some notables of the month:
Bobby Yang's first online video was shown here, and now he has a new one:
I'll leave you with a good read, while I unlazy up for July 2004 to December 2004, as well as January 2004. Not to mention updates with new files afterwards. I'd like to finish up this year in review as soon as possible or get visitors' permission to skip it.