Night update

SaltyPeach claims he's going to make 28 more of these. Now that promise is in the public for all to see.

Certainly not containing the epicness of Drawn Dream, but just to know that Tim Jewell is animating again brings some hope.

This update was an afterthought. I spent most of the day backing-up and transferring files for a server downgrade, sadly. If you catch any 404 errors or files that just don't load, feel free to contact me. The long term benefit is that this site will be extremely more organized both in the backend and for the average visitor. I expect a much better ABS this time next year and slightly better within the next few months.

Updated daily?

Well it's been well over 24-hours since I posted Badsanta's Wafflehouse, but I can't keep it at the top forever. I must not break the daily update chain. The Mobile Sponge is back, and he brought along Flash voice actor Tomamoto. You may remember him from Tomamoto's The Kingdom.

Mr.Fizzy is back, though he never left, and claims he's doing nothing but animating now. So, expect more from him.


Been a long time since I posted a Group X audio, but this one will bring out the smiles.

If you liked that, check out Cereal Bawks (in the Group X directory), but be sure to expand your musical tastes by taking advantage of the free Group X MP3s after watching the (poorly) animated videos.

So where's the high quality vector artwork, you ask? Check out SkinWalker.

Closing Down Sale

Some of the same people brought you Old Man Pie, so you may wanted to check that out too.

During the TOFA 2008 contest, Andrew Kepple was working on the side on an animated music video for his home country band Autozamm. Yet still had the spare time to win the contest! Some scenes contain violence, so watch with caution.

ZekeySpaceyLizard post Feb 22, 07:42 PM

i miss when you would post little texts on the front page ab

long ago when you'd post updates with little blurbs you wrote and some funny picture from the image forum

it gave this place a personal touch

it seems more robotic now since the updates are all just hyperlinks to whatever new cartoon is up

Very true, Zekey. Things must change to the way they used to be. I'm a human updating, not an RSS parser pretending to be one like 1,000 other sites. So obviously I just now went to "My Pictures" folder, to complete the formula, and guess what? Nothing there. :( Except some ABS Web Comics that were exclusive to the forums. Hmmm. Maaayyybeee.


Bart Baker was kind enough to provide the ABS community with the MP3 for free. Where else could you get it?

Now for Mr.Fizzy's first accepted game onto ABS. Edit: Firefox bug caused controls not to work. The problem has been fixed.

If you have a craving for more pixelated games, or just nostalgia for the '80s, see what's new in the Pixel Games section. Two Nintendo remakes and Anti-Pacman where you play as the ghosts.

Come back sometime Monday for another update with another free MP3.


As promised, here's the free downloadable MP3 for MysteryGuitarMan's version of The Marriage of Figaro, but also a new video and MP3 from the video editor/guitarist.

Chat him up on ABS Forums, ladies.

On the go

I'm polling for some user feedback on ABS Forums and will be trying to update the site in the next couple weeks with 1 new media file per day (with Mondo files being bonuses). This way there will be something new from the ABS members daily, and you won't be overwhelmed with supersized updates.

Updated on 1234567890

Yes, it's one of those hated super themed updates, starting with the losing entry of Woolentine's 2009. At least there's a consolation prize.

This masterpiece will be posted every year.

Two Valentine's themed animations by ZekeySpaceyLizard. He has won Woolentine's 2009.

Check Part 1 from the last update if you haven't already.

A brand new song and animation by AvidLebon. Get the word out. There's another holiday.

Some old videos.

You could make a little Valentine's CD Mix with the following, though I doubt you would.

Quite a long love story by LazyBoy and still in the works.

Some of the less popular entries from Woolentine's 2009.

Enjoy the randomness. Watch it all. Bookmark for a rainy day. Just don't miss out.

Bluhh mustache

Albino Blacksheep visitors will be divided into two classes. Those who pass the following game, and those who cannot.

Still my favourite game by John Hattan is Meltdown.

Voting is currently taking place for the Woolentine's animation contest on ABS Forums, but you can only vote if you are a currently have a membership, but anyone can watch the animations there before I post them here.

Five more media players from the Media Player Download section.

Gotta prepare. Gotta prepare!

A new game from the makers of Line Game.

The following game may not load for some in Internet Explorer, but works perfectly fine in Firefox.

Longtime ABS member MysteryGuitarMan unleashes his skills on the world. Come back for the MP3 in a bit if you want it.

Some Anti-Valentine cards.

You're going to spend $200 a month on paper towels anyways.

This week's Download features come from the Media Player section. Here's 4 out of 23.

I update this same update every day

The first submission to this year's ABS Forums Woolentine's contest (Theme: No More Loneliness) is from ZekeySpaceyLizard.

A girl made this! Keep reading to see what else they can do.

A kid made this! Mr.Fizzy is 13, and his following submission is accepted into this year's Woolentine's contest. One week left.

Here's this week's Mondo episodes. (Bug report: Some Firefox extensions will block videos from loading if enabled.)

Last week, I showed you the most popular browsers on the Web, but maybe you are a blacksheep and want to try an alternative browser. I've reviewed a few from the Browser Download section, but feel free to automatically add in your own reviews and experiences with these programs onto the page.

If you have a widescreen monitor, you may notice the Valensheep at the top left of your screen. Sheepie (or is it Sheepy?) is looking his best with his hair all combed back and a friendly relatively not creepy smile on his face. Thanks to Nicol3 for her amazing art work this month. That's right. A girl can draw better than you.

Valentine Sheepy

Nicol3 giving the thumbs up You're welcome.