Dr. Paul Jesin Dentistry
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Web Design: 2005
- Layout
- Content
- Logo alteration
- Photo editing

This was in 2005 before the iPhone was invented, so people were actually browsing on desktop computers, but there were still different desktop sizes to code for.
For SEO purposes, the goal of this project was to be like a Wiki of every dental procedure that Dr. Paul Jesin offers.
Dr. Paul Jesin had the back office in the same complex as his brother Dr. Jerry Jesin, also a dentist who had the front office. So marketing, advertising and networking was very important for Paul to avoid losing his potential customers to his brother. I always advise against sharing an office with competition, but sharing an office with someone who has the same name is unheard of, and Paul had the short end of the stick.
As for the Web design, all of the rounded corners, gradients and shadows were not coded in. They were actually images instead because CSS3 was not in use yet. CSS 2.1 has just become official. So the design was very modern for 2005 standards, but the way I went about it was very 2005.
Paul Jesin eventually sold his dental practice.