Computer Desk 8

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Quelin's Computer Desk

[Computer Desk 8]

This could be a cluttered setup. This could be due to lack of furniture. However, if you can see past the mess and into your heart, you'll know exactly what this is.

This is the ultimate, perfect, best homework and study setup ever!

See, this is how Quelin's computer desk is set up, and it's the part that's not even on the desk, but rather, on the floor that gets the most use.

The goal is to lay belly-down onto that blue pillow pressing your face into the open books to super-absorb as much information as possible - but let's get realistic. Tilting your head only slighly would quickly give you a television break. If there's no time for such a break, you can still watch television through the corner of your eye while reading homework. The remote control is there too.

Tired from too much studying? A novice would require a bed, but a great student would already have their face in a pillow long before the night, and a blanket just inches away just as Quelin has.