I’m not here right now
- #ffffff
- #000000
- #cccccc
- #009900
- #00ff00
Webmaster: 2015–current
- Responsive layout
- Audio player

This is a strange site that stands out from the rest. It’s not attractive, but it is fun. It’s a quirky time capsule of old voicemail messages.
The client was particular with his vision of the design. The wordmark had to be Arial and the header had to be a particular dark and dingy photo of his voicemail machine.
I decided to go all the way with these unattractive limitations and make this a retro site. With 1980s wood panelling and chrome accents.
I actually enjoy browsing this Website because the messages were worth the time capsule. This is not a business site. It’s an art project, and it will stand the test of time longer than many businesses.
Another weird art direction of the client is that each message is only in the left or right channel, but not both.
Designed a little icon for iPhone.