Another sign by AB

[Another sign]

This sign says, "Cops on Campus does not equal peace".

In the last few years there were incidences of rape and murder on campus grounds that could have been prevented with better security by police which York highly lacks. I could not get behind this cause to ban cops from the campus. The only time I have ever seen a cop on campus was during a protest that turned violent the year before.

York Univerity needs more cops. The campus borders on Jane and Finch, the most dangerous intersection in Toronto. I'm not going to take advice from non-students that provoke cops again and again.

I'm pretty sure GRAIN wanted cops to show up again so they can prove their point that cops are brutal against them, but this time there were no cops to be seen.

It turned out to be a failed event by GRAIN, and caused them bad publicity due to the students complaining about interrupted and canceled classes. The point of the protest was for a standoff between police and GRAIN like in the past, but the cops decided to ignore them and not be provoked again.

The other sign had nothing to do with the protest.

This picture was taken with a Pentax Optio S4 Digital Camera.

Photograph taken January 27, 2005 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.