Characters show up
At this point the protest-happy students started to attend. They are dressed up specifically for any protest. I'm not sure if they are always dressed that way, or change in a phonebooth like Superman whenever they find out that a protest is going on. These are some interesting chracters, but I couldn't get pictures of all.
This character is "the Palestinian". He's not actually Palestinian or anything, and he comes from a country that bans Palestinians from living in it, but he sure is happy to just hear the word Palestinian. If there's a protest about anything, this character will Pali it up with his scarf and flag. He's really happy right now. Someone just handed something to him that you can see in the next picture.
P.S. Drink Pepsi, eat KFC. Coca-cola products are not sold at York University.
This picture was taken with a Pentax Optio S4 Digital Camera.
Photograph taken January 27, 2005 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.